Computer science

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Computer Science is one of the few academic disciplines that strongly affect almost every facet of our society.

It combines fundamental science with gauging its immediate societal impact. It is hard to think of any other field that intertwines to such extent with other academic fields, impacts them so profoundly, and alters our world so rapidly.

At SSST, technological advances dictate the Computer Science curriculum, where the programme is constantly updated to meet the developments in this dynamic field.

Computer Science programme examines both the fundamental computer science theory, including open problems to be defined and solved,and the latest in the development of computer science applications. The programme also promotes knowledge and skills that enable students to realize their ideas and design their own real world applications.

SSST provides a stimulating and innovating environment for studying the programming-oriented courses which comprise computing theory, programming languages such as C and Java, data structures and algorithms

But theory is only the beginning – our students are constantly challenged through practical courses such as Computer Architecture, Software Engineering, Operating Systems, Networks and Telecommunication, Web Development, Cloud computing, Cyber security, Databases, Data Mining, Computer Graphics, AI, Embedded Systems and a selected set of electrical and electronic engineering courses – all of which prepare them for the ever greater demands of both the academic world and industry.




Student-to-faculty ratio

Collaboration with IT Companies




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CS Dean's Message

The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems is unique in many ways. We teach students not only the material from the assigned textbooks and cover a range of practical sessions, but also strive to instill in them self-confidence, independence, openmindedness and aspiriton to excell.

We partner with industry professionals to achieve these goals, bringing great diversity to opportunities offered to our students.

We are constantly updating our programs to meet practical demands and to make sure our students are introduced to the most relevant topics that will ensure employment. In fact, the most important indicator of the quality of our work is the fact that all our fourth year students secure employment before they even graduate.

Their employability, and the skills they demonstrate in the field, remains our most valuable asset and strenght.

Belma Ramić-Brkić, PhD

Dean of the CSIS Department


CS Dean's Message

The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems is unique in many ways. We teach students not only the material from the assigned textbooks and cover a range of practical sessions, but also strive to instill in them self-confidence, independence, openmindedness and aspiriton to excell.

We partner with industry professionals to achieve these goals, bringing great diversity to opportunities offered to our students.

We are constantly updating our programs to meet practical demands and to make sure our students are introduced to the most relevant topics that will ensure employment. In fact, the most important indicator of the quality of our work is the fact that all our fourth year students secure employment before they even graduate.

Their employability, and the skills they demonstrate in the field, remains our most valuable asset and strenght.

Belma Ramić-Brkić, PhD

Dean of the CSIS Department

We prepare students for modern workspaces with quality practical knowledge.


We prepare students for modern workspaces with quality practical knowledge.




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Hrasnička cesta 3a, Sarajevo, 71 000

Bosna i Hercegovina

Prijemni ispiti se održavaju na SSST-u, od aprila do septembra, sa početkom u 9:00 časova.


Tel: +387 33 975 002

Fax: +387 33 975 030

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