Our students do their internship at relevant public health institutions in BiH (UCC Sarajevo, General Hospital “Prim.dr Abdulah Nakaš”), as well as at private clinics.
Our curricula follow the global trends in medicine and pharmacy and compete on equal footing with prestigious medical schools in Europe.
As part of the undergraduate studies, our program and methods of study are adapted so that students can take The United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) exam, which provides an added value to their studies and enables them to apply for internships at various clinics and hospitals across the world.
In addition to undergraduate studies, PhD study programs in clinical medicine and a PhD study program in biomedicine have also been launched.
As an answer to the needs of the society, healthcare systems and the employment market, we made the decision to launch our master studies in the area of health economics and pharmacoeconomics.

Why health economics and pharmacoeconomics
All healthcare systems are faced with limited available resources in the current economic climate
The master studies programme in Health economics and pharmacoeconomics of the Sarajevo Medical School at the University SSST are the first academic postgraduate studies launched in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the countries of the region, as a response to the needs of the market and a higher interest of all actors for a scientific approach to health technology assessment.
The master studies programme, as a second-cycle studies programme, will provide the attendees with content related to basic concepts such as health economics, pharmacoeconomics and health technology assessment through lectures and practical work.
The importance and application of health technology assessment (HTA) and health economics, i.e. pharmacoeconomics, during the decision-making process on the correct allocation of available resources is seen as inevitable.
Health technologies include:
- drugs
- medical devices (products)
- diagnostic and treatment methods
- methods of rehabilitation and prevention
During the health technology assessment the following aspects are usually taken into consideration:
- does it work better, equally well or worse than the existing alternative manners of treatment
- therapeutic effects, as well as possible side-effects
- influence on the quality of life
- manner of application
- expense
- effect on the organization of the healthcare system in the application of treatment.
Who are the master studies intended for?
Participants in the healthcare system with a previous degree in healthcare studies or economics.
It is particularly meant for employees of:
- Pharmaceutical industry who are working on the tasks of market access, marketing and sales
- Healthcare institutions who are working in management, decision-making regarding financing of healthcare services, drugs and diagnostic tools
- Health insurance funds / institutes and private insurance companies
- Ministries of health and health institutes
- Healthcare workers as decision-makers on a micro- and macro-level (prescribers, committee members, expert bodies for the development of therapeutic-diagnostic guidelines)
- Pharmacists in various segments of pharmaceutics (pharmacies, industry, agencies and other bodies)
Semira Galijašević, PhD
The Sarajevo Medical School is involved in building stronger, diverse generations of highly trained doctors and medical experts through innovative theoretical and practical training programmes which apply an optimistic view and perspective to future generations. We strive for excellence in research, community, patient care and above all, education.
With an increasingly stronger emphasis placed upon science in the 21st century, especially on medical sciences, it is our mission to move the community forward with professional ambitions and a modern academic environment. We offer the most up-to-date basic and clinical education, with facilities on and off campus. It is a great privilege to welcome you to the Sarajevo Medical School and our new postgraduate studies.
We prepare students for modern workspaces with quality practical knowledge.