


PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT for the 4th Mediterranean Forum: Sarajevo- Dubrovnik Constellation

May 19, 2020

We are thrilled to announce that this year again, the University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST) is planning fourth in a row Mediterranean Forum: Sarajevo-Dubrovnik Constellation that will be held at the University SSST Conference Center on Friday, 23rd and Saturday, 24th of October 2020.

For the first day of this grand event, we are working a Rectors’ Conference on Mediterranean perspectives in the next decade that will gather representatives of major universities and SSST partners from the region. 

The next day will be dedicated to the scientific and technological achievements presented through four different conferences to be held simultaneously:

  • Advances in Medical and Dental Practice and Science
  • Solar Energy in the Mediterranean Cities
  • Digitization and Emerging Technologies
  • Special conference on: Human Migrations in Times of Global Change
  • Mediterranean Forum- Data Science Conference (MeFDATA2020)


STAY TUNED for the official Call for Papers!


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