


Online entrance exams for enrollment to the new academic 2020/2021

Sep 15, 2020

Due to a alarming situation concerning COVID-19, as well as strict precautionary binding measures prescribed by the eligible authorities, University SSST has enabled an online entrance exams for all interested candidates throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina, the region and the world.

Time slots for the entrance exams will be held by the pre-approved schedule published on our web page, and can be found on the following link:

The entrance exams will be held through Zoom app, so we ask all interested candidates to download this app to their devices. The exam will be held starting from 10:00 AM. The time scheduled for taking English and math is hour and a half, while the candidates enrolling to Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry will take an integral exam with questions from chemistry, physics and biology, and the time scheduled for each of the subject is 30 minutes.

If the candidates fails to pass the entrance exams in the scheduled term, there is a possibility of a remedial exams which will be held in the approved schedule.

All interested candidates should fill out the entrance form which can be found on the following link:

Zbog novonastale situacije sa virusom COVID-19, te strogim mjerama koje preporučuju nadležni organi i koje moramo poštovati za dobro svih nas, Univerzitet SSST je omogućio zainteresiranim kandidatima iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine, regiona i svijeta mogućnost polaganja online prijemnog ispita.

Termini održavanja prijemnih ispita ostaju isti prema unaprijed dogovorenim datumima koji su objavljeni na web stranici i možete ih pronaći na ovom linku:

Prijemni ispiti će se održavati putem aplikacije Zoom, te molimo zainteresirane kandidate da istu instaliraju na svoje računare. Ispiti će počinjati u 10h te kandidati za test engleskog i matematike imaju po sat i pol vremena, dok se za polaganje prijemnog ispita na programu Medicine, Farmacije i Stomatologije polaže jedan integralni test sa predmetima hemija, fizika i biologija te za svaki od navedenih predmeta kandidati za izradu testa imaju po 30minuta.

Ukoliko u jednom prijemnom roku kandidat ne položi prijemni ispit, postoji mogućnost polaganja opet u dogovorenom terminu prema već objavljenom rasporedu.

Svi zainteresirani kandidati treba da popune aplikacioni formular koji možete pronaći na ovom linku;

Za sva dodatna pitanja molimo Vas da nam se obratite putem email adrese ili putem broja telefona 033/975-002.



Visit us

Hrasnička cesta 3a, Sarajevo, 71 000

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Entrance Exams are held at SSST, from April to September, starting at 9:00 a.m.

Contact us

Tel: +387 33 975 002

Fax: +387 33 975 030

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