



The Medical School of the SSST University is launching a Dentistry program from the new academic 2018/19. We offer:   - Work in small groups - Lessons in English - Practical lessons from the first year   We offer 50 per cent scholarships for the best candidates. There are only a few places...

Aug 17, 2018

Sport Day 2018

The SSST’s annual Sport Cup event was held on our Campus last weekend. Taking part in various sport activities our students and staff had lots of fun and enjoyed their time together. The bravest and most talented candidates competed in sports such as football, basketball, volleyball and table...

Jun 28, 2018

KONKURS za izbor u akademska zvanja

Na osnovu člana 103. Zakona o visokom obrazovanju (“Službene novine Kantona Sarajevo“, broj:33/17), prijedloga Vijeća organizacionih jedinica Univerziteta SSST i Odluke Senata o saglasnosti za raspisivanje Konkursa za izbor u akademska zvanja, broj: O-315/SSS/18 od 18.06.2018.godine, Univerzitet...

Jun 21, 2018

IEEE Student and Young Professional Congres 2018

It is our great pleasure to announce that IEEE Student and Young Professional Congress BiH 2018 will be hosted by University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology and the youngest IEEE student branch in BiH, SSST IEEE Student Branch, Nov 30 – Dec 2 2018.   Besides that IEEE SYPC BiH is...

Jun 13, 2018

Doctoral Study at Sarajevo Medical School of the University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology

  A Decision of the Ministry for Education, Science and Youth of Canton Sarajevo issued on June 11, 2018 ( reference number: 11/05-38-37320-6/17 )  established that the University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology has met all prescribed requirements to start implementing the teaching and...

Jun 13, 2018

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