
SSST Subjects

German Language

Foreign Languages


Programme(s) where module is offered

  • PhD, Engineering, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
  • MSc, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo
  • BSc, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo
  • PhD, Engineering, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
  • MSc, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo
  • BSc, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo
  • PhD, Engineering, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
  • MSc, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo
  • BSc, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sarajevo

Status (core, option, free choice)



FHEQ Level



Unit Value



Semester taught



Pre-Requisite Modules or Qualifications



Module Code



Module coordinator



Applicable From



Educational Aims of the Module

  • The goal of the work with all students from the groups A 1.1,  A 1.2, A 2.1, A 2.2 and B 1.1  is to enable them to use German language for simple communication, business German and effective learning.
  • Having in mind that the students of the group C 1.2 and C 2.1 do speak German very well, the goal of the work with them will be to enable them to use the German language competently, effectively and flexible in their social and professional dealings or in education and studies. 
  • All the books used in the process of learning for all groups are designed in such a way, that apart from learning the language, they also offer information about Germany and other German speaking countries, their culture and lifestyle. 

Module Outline/Syllabus

  • Understanding (listening): I can understand sentences and common words that consider things I need (for example simple information about me or my family, shopping, work, immediate environment). I understand the basics from short, clear and simple notes and announcements. 
  • Understanding (reading): I can read simple and short texts. I can find concrete, predictable information in simple every day texts (for example in announcements, prospects, menus or itineraries) and I can understand short, simple personal letters.
  • Speaking (articulated): With simple means and in several sentences I can describe for example my family, other people, my housing situation, my education and my current or previous job.
  • Speaking (taking part in a conversation): I can communicate in simple, routine situations which relate to simple, direct exchange of information and to familiar issues and activities. I can have a short introduction conversation, but I do not understand enough to keep the conversation going myself.
  • Writing: I can write short, simple notes and messages. I can write a simple personal letter, for example to express my gratitude for something.

Student Engagement Hours

Type Number per Term Duration Total Time
Lectures 15 3 hours 45 hours
Tutorials 15 3 hours 45 hours
Total Guided/Independent Learning Hours 110
Total Contact Hours 45
Total Engagement Hours 200

Assessment Method Summary

Type Number Required Duration / Length Weighting Timing / Submission Deadline
Final exam 1 180 minutes 50% End of semester
Mid-term exam 1 90 minutes 15% Week 10
Project (group) 1 2,500 words 15% Week 15
Test 2 90 minutes 20% Weeks 4 and 13

Module Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Strategy:

  • Interactive communication activities such as a conversation or a written correspondence. The participants often change their roles as sender and receiver throughout several communication stages.
  • In other cases, when the sender and the receiver are apart from each other (text is taped or texts are presented in a written way) the communication strategy consists of talking about the text, writing, listening or reading.
  • Most of the communication activities consist of various types of activities. A student can be prompted to listen to the teacher, to silently or loudly read from a textbook, to communicate with other students in a group or to participate in a project, to write an essay or other homework, etc.
  • The communication strategies are being applied in order to mobilize sources and to use them in a balanced way, to use skills and processes in order to fulfill the requirements of a communication in a context and to successfully fulfill a task in the way he or she intended to.
  • When speaking, the speaker is producing a text which is being received by one or more listeners. This includes for example: to read a written text loud, to tell something while using notes or written text or other visual support (diagrams, pictures…), to play a role previously rehearsed, to speak spontaneously, to describe experiences, to argue (for example to take part in a discussion), to speak publicly, etc.
  • When writing, the student is producing a written text such as: filling out forms and questionnaires,  write newspaper articles, write reports and notes, personal and business letters, creative writing and similar.

Assessment Strategy

  • Coursework
  • Written test:
  • Required: 4
  • Weighting:  25%
  • Timing: Monthly or fortnightly during term
  • Final exam
  • (eguals Start Deutsch 2 of Goethe-Institut)   
  • Duration:   1,5 hours
  • Weighting:  50%
  • Timing: June 2012

Key Texts and/or other learning materials

Set text

  • Course Book: Schritte 3. (Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch);
  • Handouts as distributed by lecturers ( from other appropriate books)

Supplementary Materials

  • Audio material: CD zum Kursbuch oder Arbeitsbuch Schritte 3. (Hörtexte, Sprechübungen und Übungen zur Phonetik);
  • Videos as selected; 

Please note

This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the module and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.

More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module and programme can be found in the departmental or programme handbook.

The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually by the University of Buckingham and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency.

Date of Production : Autumn 2016

Date approved by School Learning and Teaching Committee: 28th September 2016

Date approved by School Board of Study : 12th October 2016

Date approved by University Learning and Teaching Committee: 2nd November 2016

Date of Annual Review: December 2017


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