Student Award Ceremony 2019
As in previous years, SSST University has awarded students whose GPA in the academic year 2018/19 was 8,5 and above with the certificate for the academic success. We are proud of the students of Political Science and IR, Economics, Computer Science and Information Systems, as well as the students...
The University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST) is again giving all high school students a unique opportunity to get a glimpse of the SSST experience while still in high school! The SSST Winter Academy 2020 ( WA) will be held at SSST ( Hrasnička cesta 3a, Ilidža, Sarajevo) in...
CSIS students at the IEEE SYPC 2019
CSIS students Ena Džemila, Albin Borančić, Amel Helez, Emir Ganović, Salih Mušić and Edim Hadžić have been in Banja Luka from November 29 to December 1, 2019, to attend IEEE SYPC 2019. This was the perfect opportunity to socialize, compare and exchange experiences and gather new knowledge at this...
TAM Workshop on Higher Education Development in BiH
University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST) is a strong supporter of higher education development in our country and with this in mind we attended the TAM Workshop organised by the National Erasmus+ Office in BiH and the University of Sarajevo under the title "Current and Future...
KONKURS za izbor u naučnonastavna zvanja na Univerzitetu Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (Univerzitet SSST)
Na osnovu člana 103. stav (1) Zakona o visokom obrazovanju («Sl. novine Kantona Sarajevo», broj: 33/17) , te Odluke Senata Univerziteta u Sarajevu broj: 77-10/19 od 25.10.2019. godine, Univerzitet Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (Univerzitet SSST) raspisuje KONKURS za izbor u...