
SSST Nastavno soblje


Aida Hajdarpašić, PhD

Assistant Professor, Dean


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  • One of my research interests are epigenetic mechanisms in disease development. More specifically, investigation of the role of miRNAs in disease development and searching for selected miRNAs as potential disease biomarkers. More recently, I have become interested in investigation of microbiome and its effects on health and disease.


  • Graduate:PhD in Molecular Biology/Doktorin der Naturwissenschaften (Dr.rer.nat.); UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA, Vienna, Austria; Institute for Medical Biochemistry; Dr. Karl-Lueger Ring 1, 1010 Vienna (Austria)
  • Graduate: Master of Sciences Degree, Biomedical Science; BAYLOR UNIVERSITY, TX, USA; Institute of Biomedical Studies; Waco, Texas (USA)
  • Undergraduate:Bachelor of Arts Degree, Biology; BAYLOR UNIVERSITY, TX, USA; School of Arts and Sciences; Waco, Texas (USA)


  • Assistant Professor - Sarajevo Medical School; Department for Medical Biology; Sarajevo School of Science and Technology; Hrasnička cesta 3, 71000 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Assistant Research Professor - Medical School University of Sarajevo; Center for Genetics; Čekaluša 90, 71000 Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • Post-Doctoral Fellowship - Medical University Vienna; Internal Medicine Department; Institute for Cancer Research; Dept. for Cell and Molecular Tumor-biology; Borschkegasse 8a, 1090 Vienna (Austria)
  • PhD student Molecular Genetics - Medical University Vienna; Max F. Perutz Laboratories; Institute for Medical Biochemistry; Dr. Bohr Gasse 9, 1030 Vienna (Austria)
  • Research Assistant II - University of Texas Houston Health Science Center; Research Center for Human Genetics; Institute of Molecular Medicine; 1825 Pressler Street, Houston 77030 Texas (USA)


  • Teaching medical biology to 1st year, medical genetics and cancer biology to 2nd year medical students. Co-teaching bioinformatics at the CSIS department. Sarajevo Medical School, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 2014-Present.
  • Taught principles of molecular medicine to 6th year medical students, elective courses in the doctoral program called “Biomedicine and health”. Medical School University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 2012-2014.
  • Trained molecular genetics methods and scientific approach to doctoral students. Medical University Vienna, Vienna (Austria) 2008-2010.
  • Taught freshman and sophomore level laboratory methods in biology and genetics respectively. Baylor University, Texas (USA) 2000-2002.


  • The recipient of the Erasmus Mundus POST-DOC fellowship at the Molecular Oncology of Solid Tumors Unit, DKFZ (German Cancer Research Center) Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg, Germany (2015).
  • Member of the Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS) (2014 to present).
  • MC Member of COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action BM1201 representing Bosnia and Herzegovina (2013 to present).
  • Representative of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for International bioethics on genetic testing (2014).
  • BHAAAS 10th conference. Oral presentation. Jahorina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), June 2018.
  • DEBRA International bioethics conference on genetic testing. Bratislava (Slovakia), May 2014.
  • (Cyto)Genetics and Biomedicine. Two poster presentations. Sarajevo (B&H), May 2014.
  • COST Conference: “Early Origins of Chronic Lung Disease – integrating lessons from flies, mice and men”. Munich (Germany), June 2013.
  • 4th Congress of Respiratory Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Oral presentation. Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) May 2013.
  • Fit for Health and Health-NCP-Net FP7 Health Partnering event. Brussels (Belgium) 2012.
  • The 5th PhD Symposium at the Medical University of Vienna. Vienna (Austria) 2009.
  • The 4th PhD Symposium at the Medical University of Vienna. Vienna (Austria) 2008.
  • Organizing and helping committee of the 32nd FEBS Congress: “Molecular Machines”. Vienna (Austria) 2007.
  • WWTF Conference. Oral presentation. Vienna (Austria) 2006.
  • The 5th Symposium on Post Transcriptional Regulation on Plant Gene Expression (PTRoPGE), the University of Texas at Austin. Texas (USA) 2005.


  • Coinvestigator in the project funded by the USAID: “Improving the status of children with developmental difficulties in B&H”. (2017-2018).
  • Partner in a project funded by the Civil Ministry of Education and Science: “Analiza i mapiranje zagađenosti okoliša i utjecaj na stanovništvo i okolinu na lokalitetu Hadžići”. (2016).
  • Partner in a nationally funded project by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, Bosnia and Herzegovina: “Computer Aided Lung Cancer Classification of Mutated EGFR Exons Using Artificial Intelligence Methods”. (2012-2013).


  • Original scientific papers:
  • Avdagic Z, Boskovic D, Letic V, Saracevic A, Coralic Z. Decision Support System for Therapy Determination Based on Identification of Lung Cancer EGFR Gene Mutations Using Combinatorial Binary Generator and RADBAS Encoders. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2017; Submitted.
  • Hukic M, Hajdarpasic A, Ravlija J, Ler Z, Baljic R, Dedeic Ljubovic A, Moro A, Salimović-Besic I, Sausy A, Muller CP, Hübschen JM. Mumps outbreak in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with large cohorts of susceptibles and genetically diverse strains of genotype G, Bosnia and Herzegovina, December 2010 to September 2012. Euro Surveill. 2014; 19 (33):pii=20879.
  • Hajdarpasic A, Ruggenthaler P. Analysis of miRNA expression under stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Bosn J Basic Med Sci 2012; 12(3): 169 – 176.
  • >strong>Conferences, presentations, abstracts, proceedings:
  • Hajdarpasic-Saracevic A, Musanovic J, Mackic-Djurovic M, Alic L. Cystic fibrosis genetic testing. Folia Medica Facultatis Medicinae Universitatis Saraviensis 2014; 49(suppl 1): 52.
  • Hajdarpasic-Saracevic A, Musanovic J, Mackic-Djurovic M, Mehic B. Epidermal Growth Factor receptor (EGFR) mutations detection. Folia Medica Facultatis Medicinae Universitatis Saraviensis 2014; 49 (suppl 1): 53.
  • Buza E, Avdagic Z, Omanovic S, Hajdarpasic A. Hybrid Algorithm for Clustering of Microarray Data. Europment 2014.
  • Avdagic Z, Saracevic A, Keco D, Avdagic A, Omanovic S, Buza E, Boskovic D, Letic V, Bego T. Modeling of computer aided simulator in control of NSCLC treatment based on EGFR gene mutations’ artificial neural network classifier and microarray expression analysis. Munich Lung Conference Abstract October 2013.
  • Fornage M, Boerwinkle E, Hajdarpasic A, Doris PA. From rats to humans: Identification of genes contributing to target organ damage in hypertension. SHR Society Abstract 2004.

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Hrasnička cesta 3a, Sarajevo, 71 000

Bosna i Hercegovina

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