
Jačanje kulture istraživanja i razvoja

Much more than just a teaching institution, University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology aims to make a real contribution to further development of academic disciplines within its undergraduate and post-graduate programmes, as well as to affect scientific and industry development on a national and international scale. 

Our faculty is actively engaged in pursuing innovation within their fields, proposing research projects and seeking grants, publishing papers and organizing conferences, all of which creates SSST’s unique and ambitious academic atmosphere.




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Hrasnička cesta 3a, Sarajevo, 71 000

Bosna i Hercegovina

Prijemni ispiti se održavaju na SSST-u, od aprila do septembra, sa početkom u 9:00 časova.


Tel: +387 33 975 002

Fax: +387 33 975 030

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