
SSST Nastavno soblje


Dragan Totić, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor


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  • Research interest is related to my specialty and working place which is vascular surgery. It is mostly influenced by the fact that by providing usual health service to patient in need for revascularization me and my colleagues can design and conduct different clinical studies related to contemporary dilemmas in vascular surgery – weather to treat patient surgically or endovascular (hot topic in medical literature). And while doing so, we do not need special funding other than usual costs reimbursement by health insurance services.

EDUCATION(Faculty, Doctorate)

  • I attended Medical Faculty of University of Sarajevo where I obtained MD degree as well Postgraduate Studies at the same Faculty. In 2016 I defended PHD thesis titled: “Follow Up Study of Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia and Infrainguinal Peripheral Arterial Disease That Were Treated by Bypass Grafting or Endovascular”


  • I am specialist of general surgery and subspecialist of vascular surgery and work at Clinic for Cardiovascular surgery of Clinical Center of University of Sarajevo since 2002. Before that worked as general practitioner in Trauma department of nongovernmental organization Catholic Relief Services (CRS) from 1998 until 2002.


  • Assistant, Subject Surgery, Medical Faculty of University of Sarajevo from 2012 until 2016.
  • Assistant, Subject Semiotics, Sarajevo Medical School University SSST from 2016 until 2017.
  • Docent, Subject Histology, Sarajevo Medical School University SSST from 2017 - onward
  • Docent, Subject Surgery, Sarajevo Medical School University SSST from 2018 – onward.
  • Also involved in teaching of Subjects of Semiotics and Propaedeutic.


  • During specialization I was educated in Sweden in NAL Trohlatan hospital (2006). Aslo, in Czech Republic, Pargue, Na Homolce Hospital – education in endovascular interventions of extremity arteries (2014) and CHU Angers, France, education in surgery of suprarenal aorta (2014).


  • Pilot Project “Diabetic Foot – screening for risk factors and preventive strategies”; project funded by Novo Nordisc and conducted in assotiation with Društo za borbu protiv dijabetesa Zenica (2018).


  • Muhamed Djedović, Emir Mujanović, Dragan Totić, Haris Vranić: Comparison of Results of Classical and Eversion Endarterectomy. Medical Archives 71(2):89-92. April 2017
  • Muhamed Djedovic, Amel Hadzimehmedagic, Dragan Totic, Haris Vranic: Perioperative Results Eversion Carotid Endarterectomy in Bilateral Symptomatic Stenosis, Medical Archives 69(2) · April 2015
  • Nedzad Rustepasic, Dragan Totic, Muhamed Djedovic: Epidemiological Aspects of Atherosclerosis in Patients Treated for Acute Atherothrombosis of Extremity Arteries. Medical Archives 68(5):329-31 · October 2014;
  • Muhamed Djedovic, Dragan Totic, Nedzad Rustempasic: Comparison of Transperitoneal and Retroperitoneal Approach in Aorto Iliac Occlusive Disease. Medical Archives 67(4):249-51 · August 2013
  • Dragan Totic, Nedzad Rustempasic, Muhamed Djedovic: Distal Vein Patch as a Form of Autologus Modification for Infragenicular Prosthetic Bypass. Medical Archives 67(4):245-8 · August 2013,
  • Dragan Totic, Nedzad Rustempasic, Muhamed Djedovic, Sid Solakovic: Preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative variables that influence survival of patients arter surgery for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurism. BH Surgery, 2(1):7-9 April 2013,
  • Nedzad Rustempasic, Dragan Totic, Sid Solakovic, Muhamed Djedovic. Effect of heparin gel on resolution od postoperative subcutaneous hematoma. Med Jour 17(4):271-273October 2011
  • Emir Solakovic, Dragan Totic, Sid Solakovic: Femoro-popliteal bypass above knee with saphenous vein vs synthetic graft. Association of Basic Medical Sciences 8(4):367-72 · December 2008,
  • Emir Solakovic, Dragan Totic, Sid Solakovic: Comparative study of operative treatment of varicose veins according to the Klapp and Smetana method versus Myers method. Association of Basic Medical Sciences 8(3):291-4 · September 2008
  • Emir Solakovic, Dragan Totic, Sid Solakovic Determination of the level of amputation in patients with peripheral vascular disease Acta Med Sal 2008; 37(2):157-161
  • Emir Solakovic, Dragan Totic, Sid Solakovic : Surgical approach to revascularization of aorto-iliacal segment. Acta Med Sal 2008; 37 (2):114-113

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Hrasnička cesta 3a, Sarajevo, 71 000

Bosna i Hercegovina

Prijemni ispiti se održavaju na SSST-u, od aprila do septembra, sa početkom u 9:00 časova.


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