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Dr. Jasminka Hasić-Telalović


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  • Ph.D., Engineering, University of Warwick, UK, 2010
  • MSc, Computer Science, Brown University, USA, 2002
  • BSc, Interdisciplinary Mathematics: Computer Science Option, University of New Hampshire, USA, 1998


  • Researcher, Computer Science, University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, January 2019 - present
  • Rector’s advisor for project Horizon202, Rectorate, International University of Sarajevo, June 2017 – December 2018
  • Assistant Professor Head of Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, International University of Sarajevo, February 2012 – June 2017
  • Computer Science and Engineering program coordinator, Computer Sciences and Engineering program, International University of Sarajevo, June 2012 – February 2017
  • Software engineering program coordinator, Software Engineering program, International University of Sarajevo, September 2014 – June 2017
  • Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, March 2011 – January 2012
  • Senior Assistant / Lecturer, Computer Science, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, October 2004 – February 2011
  • Teaching Assistant, Computer Science, Brown University, USA, February 2000 – June 2000


  • OlaWell Inc. Founder and CTO
    • A biotechnology company founded in the US
  • Horizon2020 Systemic Action for Gender Equality Call H2020-GERI-2015-1 (2016-2019). The ultimate objective of the structural change process is to work towards improved decision-making and enhanced research capacity by: 
    • incorporating gender-sensitive practices, processes and procedures in research, and; 
    • developing balanced representation of both women and men in institutional decision-making. (received cc 430.000KM grant)
  • Partnership for Innovation, donor: USAID, Sarajevo region partner (2014-2016). Project Coordinator and author of the project proposal. Project activities include designing and organizing of non-formal education activities for IT students in Sarajevo region with the purpose to raise they employability.  As these activities include internships at IT companies, I have developed and maintained a connection network with over 20 IT companies in the Sarajevo region. (received cc 200.000KM grant)
  • BITCamp, donors: EBRD, MarketMakers (2015). This is a project lead by BITAlliance (association of major IT companies that together employ over 600 engineers) with the aim to, through intensive (6 months full time) non-formal education, provide talented but currently unemployed individuals with skills that will secure them employment at one of the BITAlliance companies.  I have been involved in the creation of this project since it first started to develop as an idea.  I am currently External Associate Expert at BIT Camp.
  • geekFEST2013, geekFEST2014, geekFEST2015, geekFEST2017 donors: Ministry of Civil Affairs BiH, USAID, local IT companies, Embassy of United States of America in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Project coordinator and proposal author. The summer school of innovation is a non-formal training for high school students.  The aims are teach them mobile application development for Android operating systems.  The students also listen to inspirational lectures about personal lifetime stories of successful entrepreneurs in the Sarajevo region.  The idea is to raise creativity and encourage youth to pursuit careers in the modern technologies. (received cc 30.000KM from various donors)
  • Strategic Development of Higher Education and Qualification Standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Council of Europe project (2015). Member of ICT group and participant for training of trainers I participated in the group for ICT where we developed a Qualification Standard (out of total five in the country) for 1st cycle higher education Computer Science degree. We also developed the Occupation Standard (total two in the country) for Software Engineer. I have also been selected for the training of trainers for development and implementation of Qualifications Standards and Occupational Standards (within EQF). I successfully completed the training as of April 24th 2015 and I am regarding as trainer for trainers in these topics.
  • Positioning level V in BiH, donor: European Union Delegation in BiH(2013-2015). Project Coordinator and proposal author. Project activities include design and verification of the 5th level (by the European Qualification Framework) formal education curricula. The program has been verified by the three Cantonal Ministries of Education (Sarajevo, Zenica and Tuzla).  Personally, I participated in the curricula development process and managed the verification process. (received cc. 200.000KM grant)
  • COST Action TN1201 Gender, Science, Technology and Environment - genderSTE, European Commission project(2013-2016). Member of the Management Committee
    The aim of this project is to coordinate gender issues in science, technology and environment in Europe.
  • COST Action IC1005 HDRi: The digital capture, storage, transmission and display of real-world lighting, European Commission project(2012-2015)
    Outreach coordinator and member of the Management Committee
    As the outreach coordinator, I was in charge of organizing 7 different gender imbalance meetings at 7 different European locations (FYRoMacedonia, France, Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Czech Republic, Greece).  The aim of these events is to encourage underrepresented gender (female) to take more active role in the development and usage of the new HDR technology.
  • Project coordinator for the “Computer Graphics for the Media Industry” project of the European Commission TEMPUS Grant.(2006-2009)
    Project coordinator and proposal author
    Within this program, we developed and piloted the formal curriculum of the 2nd higher education interdisciplinary curricula “Computer Graphics for the Media Industry”.  The consortium was an international team of professors from the following EU countries: United Kingdom, Spain and Slovak Republic. 
  • Curriculum development of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cycle higher education (2004 – ongoing)
    While employed at universities in BiH, I participated in the development and update of curricula in Computer Science and Software Engineering study programs.


  • M. T. Goodrich, and R. Tamassia and J. Hasic, An Efficient Dynamic and Distributed Cryptographic Accumulator, Proc. Information Security Conference (ISC 2002) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2433, Springer-Verlag, pp. 372-388, 2002.
  • Hasic J., Chalmers A.,Perceptually-guided High-fidelity Rendering Exploiting Movement Bias in
    Visual Attention Hasic J., Chalmers A., Sikudova E. In ACM Transactions on Applied Perception
    Volume 8, Number 1, October 2010.. (key topics: High Fidelity Computer Graphics, Visual Attention, Selective Rendering)
  • K. Karaduzovic-Hadziabdic,  J. Hasic Telalovic and R. Mantiuk , Assessment of multi-exposure HDR image deghosting methods,  Computers & Graphics, Elsevier, Volume 63, April 2017, Pages 1–17
  • Jasminka Hasic Telalovic, Modernization of higher education in engineering from the perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to appear in “Adaptability & Breakthrough: University´s Reform and Innovation in the new Ecology of Higher Education” to appear in Journal of Research in Gender Studies, Addleton Academic Publishers in 2018

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