
SSST Subjects

EC 350 Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Programme(s) where module is offered

  • BSc Economics with International Business

Status (core, option, free choice)



FHEQ Level



Unit Value



Semester taught



Pre-Requisite Modules or Qualifications



Module Code

EC 350


Module coordinator

Prof. dr. Nedim Čelebić


Applicable From



Educational Aims of the Module

  • In this module students will be introduced to entrepreneurship as a phenomenon, knowledge area, and its role in economic development.
  • The main purpose is to develop knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial venture; starting and development processes.
  • Students will understand the relationship between entrepreneurship and innovation, global trends in new technologies and the new skills required for future businesses.

Module Outline/Syllabus

  • Financing business growth
  • Business development & growth
  • Financials for small business
  • Human resources
  • Management and organization
  • Marketing
  • Legal issues
  • Starting the business
  • Business plan
  • Research (Preparations for starting business)
  • High growth enterprises: Business accelerators (Technology parks, business incubators, clusters)
  • Intrapreneurship
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Business climate and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
  • Theory of Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs)

Student Engagement Hours

Type Number per Term Duration Total Time


20 1.5 



Tutorials 10 1.5 



Total Guided/Independent Learning Hours 105
Total Contact Hours 45
Total Engagement Hours 150

Assessment Method Summary

Type Number Required Duration / Length Weighting Timing / Submission Deadline



3 hours


Week 17

Mid-semester test


2 hours


Week 8

Individual project: Research


2000 words


Week 10

Individual project work: Business plan writing


2000 words

15 minutes


Week 14


Module Outcomes

Intended Learning Outcomes:

  • Ability to comprehend key concepts from the field of Business and Entrepreneurship and to recognise their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Articulate on the now dominant theories and their global, regional, country and business applications

  • To notice and critically analyse multiple correlations within the field of Business and Entrepreneurship as well as relationships between business and non-business factors.

  • To increase comprehension of contemporary issues in fields of Business and Entrepreneurship as well as to be able to articulate on the now dominant theories and their global, regional, country and business applications.

  • Ability to develop awareness and comprehension of the constantly changing global environment

  • Understand the notion and culture of entrepreneurship, who are entrepreneurs, types and elements of entrepreneurship

  • Critically evaluate the business climate and environment for SME development (institutional framework, EU policy)

  • Ability to practically apply theoretical concepts, notice problems and apply learned methods and techniques for creating and suggesting solutions in student business plans.

  • Create a Business Plan- including aspects such as marketing functions, financial functions and business strategy

Teaching and Learning Strategy:

  • A variety of approaches to managing the learning process is introduced in order to be able to meet the ILOs. Teaching will be predominantly lectures, with ample time for discussion. Lectures will be based on the key text book. In addition, supplementary resources will be used. (ILO: 1-9)

  • Learning is organised and supported to encourage active learning, for example by in-class case studies and group discussions. (ILO: 1-9)

  • Students are going to research SME development and entrepreneurships in B&H and build their own business plans (ILO: 7-9)

Assessment Strategy:

  • Mid-term test (ILO: 1-7)

  • Individual project work: Business plan writing (including presentation) (ILO: 7-9)

  • Final test - In addition to testing the knowledge from 1 to 7, final exam will include questions related to the student business plan) (ILO: 1-9)

Practical Skills:

  • Recognise and apply business terminology

  • Interpret financial data relating to business

  • To analyse constantly changing global and local environment, develop a potentially successful and innovative business idea and create a business plan

Teaching and Learning Strategy:

  • Lab exercises with tutor-lead support (PS: 1-3)

  • Individual project work: Business plan writing (including presentation) (PS: 1-3)

  • Individual project: Research (PS: 1-2)

  • Use of case studies in class discussion groups (PS: 1-2)

Assessment Strategy:

  • Mid-term test and final test (PS: 1-3)

  • Individual project work: Business plan writing (including presentation) (PS: 1-3)

  • Individual project: Research (PS: 1-2)

Transferable Skills:

  • A problem-centred and problem-solving approach

  • Ability to effectively present own and others’ point of view

  • Communication skills: Written and Oral

  • Applied financial and numerical skills

  • Research Skills

  • Data analyses skills

  • Classify data

  • Compare, inspect or record facts

  • Ability to work independently

  • Meet deadlines

  • Good time management

  • Organize/manage projects

Teaching and Learning Strategy:

  • Lectures (TS: 1-4)

  • Class discussions (TS: 1-4)

  • Individual project work: Business plan writing (including presentation) (TS: 1-12)

  • Individual project: Research (TS: 6-12)

Assessment Strategy:

  • Mid-term test and final test (TS: 1-4, 6-8)

  • Individual project work: Business plan writing (including presentation) (TS: 1-12)

  • Individual project: Research (TS: 6-12)


Key Texts and/or other learning materials

Set text

  • Allen, K., (2011), New Venture Creation and Entrepreneurship, South-Western Publishing

Supplementary Materials

  • GEM, (2017), Global Entrepreneurship Monitor [online], , (Accessed 17 April 2017)

  • GEDI, (2017), The Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute Index, [online], (Accessed 17 April 2017)

  • World Bank, (2017), Ease of Doing Business, [online],, (Accessed 17 April 2017)

  • European Commission, (2017), Europe 2020, [online], (Accessed 17 April 2017)

  • European Commission, (2017), Small Business Act for Europe, [online], (Accessed 17 April 2017)

  • Spinelli, S., Adams, R., (2015), New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, 10 Edition, McGraw Hill

  • Burns, P., (2014), New venture Creation: A Framework for Entrepreneurial Start-Ups, Palgrave MacMillan

  • Burns, P., (2016), Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 4 Edition, Palgrave

  • Barringer, B., Ireland, D., (2015), Entrepreneurship, 5 Edition, Pearson

  • Starting a business Guide – Compilation of various internet sources/tools for building a business plan;

  • Business Plans examples (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)

  • Galindo, M, and Mendez, M.T. (2014) Entrepreneurship, economic growth, and innovation: Are feedback effects at work?, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 67, No. 5, pp. 825-829.

Please note

This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the module and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.

More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module and programme can be found in the departmental or programme handbook.

The accuracy of the information contained in this document is reviewed annually by the University of Buckingham and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency.

Date of Production : April 2017

Date approved by School Learning and Teaching Committee

Date approved by School Board of Study

Date approved by University Learning and Teaching Committee

Date of Annual Review


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